Monday, December 8, 2008

My boys are growing up.

Kade turned 14 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! Kade's growing up so fast. He's such a good kid, he really is. He just does what he's suppose to be doing. I hope he continues to bring me so much joy.
And I hope I've done my job as a mother. I feel like time is running out. It seemed like he was just a little boy, and I had plenty of time to teach him all I needed to. Then I blinked, and now all of a sudden it seems like he's almost on his own. He now spends more time with friends without me by his side to intervene when needed (or at least when I think he needs intervention). I've got 4 more years before he graduates and heads out into the world to do whatever it is he chooses, I hope I've prepared him. It really is a scary thought that I'm the mother,... the one who's suppose to have the answers, teach him right from wrong, and be a support and guidance to him, and my other kids. However, I love this job as a mother and wouldn't change it for anything.
Zac's also getting so big , I thought I should post some updated pictures. I love him, he's so fun.

1 comment:

Mama said...

I can't believe that Kade is 14!! I love your blog and your playlist :)