It has been such a fun and busy summer. The 3 months the kids have off school always go by much faster than three months spent in school. I can't believe it's over. We had tons of fun this summer. Every Wednesday we put the house work aside and did something fun together, me and the kids. Kade didn't join us every time because his friends are more fun to be with. But, there were times I could get him to tag along with me, usually if I let a friend come with. :) I understand, I remember being that age. I'm always happy though when he comes with us.
We went to the childrens museum a couple times, the last time we went with my cousin Jamie and her cute kids and my aunt Joan. It was so much fun. Ellie and Sophie had a sleep over after, and enjoyed their time spent together. We went to the splash park, did the slip and slide, spent a day at the cabin, went to the zoo, went to the Kimball's cabin, did 4th of July festivities, 24th of July festivities, had BBQ's with friends and family, went camping to Flaming Gorge,river rafting in Flamin Gorge, went on walks, bike rides, visits to the park, etc etc, all the fun summer activites. Here's some pics of some of our events and I'll post more later. It's been a fun one!!